Thursday, March 19, 2009


"With your help I can advance against a troop, with my God I can scale a wall He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, He causes me to stand on the heights." (Psalm 18: 29, 33 TNIV)

I always go back to this verse, whenever I need to be still during uncertain situations.
It amazes me how the Lord could give you so much strength that no wall is ever too high to be reached.
What overwhelms me even more is how He could lead your every step so that you could not just stand on the heights but admire the horizon beyond it.

I only have exactly 9 days to work on my thesis. With April 1st deadline growing nearer each day, and with my other adviser still not being able to give me her feedback, I am slowly becoming restless as to whether I could finish everything on time. Yet, the Lord continuously comforts me through prayers of family, encouraging words from mentors and friends- that nothing is impossible with Him.

Every 4:30 pm, I turn off my laptop and begin my afternoon run. I take my mind off my thesis and use the time to settle my fears with God, wrestle my anxieties with Him and to simply thank Him for each small task that I accomplished for the day. Every afternoon, I am reminded of the Lord's faithfulness as I feel the cool breeze that touches my face on every stride, as I see those towering mountains behind the trail, and as I behold the sun that sets, because all of these signal that the Creator is in control of everything- no matter how big, or how small it could be.

So as the days progress, I resolve to take it one at a time.
Being still and knowing that my God is bigger than my thesis.

My thesis chair sent me an email the other day, where she wrote these words:

"Tanya, remember He has brought you this far. He will not let you down. Remember that."