Tuesday, April 20, 2010

And He rested...

If God took time out in a day to rest, then it is just fitting that man should do likewise.

The past days have been challenging-both physically and mentally.

I had too many commitments-both at work and outside work, that I hardly had time to just pause and find rest.

Plus the fact that I had an upcoming board exam (LET), which really stressed me out. Why? I didn't have the time to study. I only had a day or two to go through the reviewer. I would at times wake up at 2 am to read through some of the reviewer and then rest for about an hour again before I head to work.

This was the first time that I took an exam wherein I wasn't prepared at all. I simply relied on my stock knowledge, the tips from friends, and most importantly, on God.

The aftermath of this all? I saw myself in the doctor's clinic the day after, seeking advise as to how to deal with the terrible stiff neck. Doctor's advice: Medications and therapy.

This was the most excruciating pain I have experienced in my entire life. I can't even have the words to explain the kind of numbness that I felt. I literally cannot move my head. I can only look straight. Talking, walking and doing the normal routines took a lot of effort. I felt helpless. I was fidgety at first. How can I rest when I have tons of paperwork to attend to? Lord, do you really want me to rest? I asked.

If only He could answer me at that time, I know He would. It was very obvious that He wanted me to take my mind off work and to just rest. Rest, Rest and Rest.

Lord, thank you for a cause to pause...

I badly needed this.

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